Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Why I Like Grant Morrison

Why I Like Grant Morrison

Grant Morrison: You see, Paul, I think of the DC Universe as fulfilling many of the requirements of a living thing. It grows, it changes over time, it reacts to its environment. In fact, considering that the creations in the DC Universe have outlived many of their creators, you could say that the DC Universe is more alive than we are, something that will continue to exist long after you and I are dead.

Paul Gravett: All right.

Grant Morrison: Now, although it is alive, it isn’t what we would call conscious. It growth and its actions are essentially reactive, like a plant, or an oyster, or John Byrne.

Paul Gravett: I see.

Grant Morrison: Unlike the oyster or John Byrne, this isn’t because the DC Universe lacks sufficient complexity. Its level of complexity, as you might expect after sixty years of monthly development and refinement, is staggering.

What I plan to do is, much in the same way a crucial lightning bolt hit the primordial soup and started the chain reaction which created life as we know it, write a comic series that will bring the DC Universe to consciousness. To wake up an entity that is largely dormant. My belief is that this is very similar to the way our universe was created. We existed largely as a fiction that became sufficiently complex, and then a final story gave us our independence and brought us to consciousness.

Paul Gravett: Absolutely fascinating.

Grant Morrison: Thank you. This is the point where somebody’s supposed to jump up and yell “He’s absolutely mad!” and then a bunch of villagers chase me with burning torches to an abandoned windmill.

I know this is old, but it's new to me. I can't help a small giggle of fanboy delight when I know that they just handed him the keys to the family car. I'm deeply looking forward to All-Star Superman, and am hoping these Detective rumors are true.

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