Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Focused Linkblogging

  • Note to self: preorder Mouse Guard.

  • It's cheap to linkblog oneself, but I wanted to point out the comment thread that grew from my post on Claypool. The comments are better than the post that sparked them, and I'm strangely proud that such a discussion is happening here.

  • Speaking of Claypool ... I'd like to point you to Baboon Books and the fine pimping for their upcoming Action Figure. I recieved some of the press materials myself, and Richard Marcej is certainly not letting Diamond do the heavy lifting. He's working hard, and pushing the series beyond a solicitation in "The Back Of The Book" by heading direct to retailers with well-designed promotional material. Will it clear the Diamond threshold? I don't know - but it won't be for lack of trying.


1 comment:

James Meeley said...


I don't think linking your Claypool post is cheap at all. It discussion a couple of the major issues that people in the industry need to hear about and look at.

And it does so in a very intelligent manner, as well. You have every right to feel proud of that. I know I would. Keep up the good work. :)